MyStrom Switch

This page describes how to connect a switchable socket (WiFi Switch) to the manager and shows how to integrate the connected device into the energy management so that it runs with a maximum of self-generated PV power.

Installation and configuration

Interface: WLAN (via router)


You can only connect the myStrom WiFi Switch to the EnergyManager if both devices are in the same local network. Since the product is connected via WLAN, this network must be accessible via WLAN.

Options for integrating the switch into the WLAN

Option 1 (without myStrom app)

The WPS function (WiFi Protected Setup) allows WLAN devices to connect automatically without you having to enter a password. Most routers support the WPS function.

  • Plug the myStrom WiFi Switch into a power outlet. The LED on the product flashes red.
  • Press the WPS button on the router until the WPS function is enabled. The necessary duration of pressing may vary depending on the router. Refer to the instruction manual of the router.
  • press "+" button on the switch for 2 seconds.
  • The LED on the switch will blink white at first. When the flashing stops and the LED is permanently white, the switch is connected to the WLAN network.

Option 2 (with myStrom app)

Manual connection with WLAN. This option requires the myStrom app on your phone or tablet.

  • download the myStrom app (available in the App Store or Google Play), install it and follow the steps in the app.


If a WiFi Switch has been assigned to an account via the app, the same device can only be found by this account. Therefore, if the WiFi Switch is also to be accessed via app in the future, the app should be installed on the device that is mainly used for this purpose later (possibly your customer's device).

Setup in SmartSetup

Search for devices

If the myStrom Switch is connected to the local network, it is automatically found in the SmartSetup manager via autodiscovery and appears in the Devices list.

If the switch does not automatically appear in the Devices list, check whether the device is available on the local network (via network scan - note, a network scan requires prior consent from your customer), access to the router's local user interface or via the myStrom app).

Furthermore, there is the option of a manual search.

  • To do this, click in the search field and select the radio-controlled sockets and myStrom section to add the switch to the search list.


The product can also be controlled from the app (see app features schedule and switching). In case of conflict, the EnergyManager has priority.
Alarms can also be activated from the app so that the customer is informed when the plug is on and off