Good for the planet. Good for your bank account.

Saving the Earth doesn’t have to cost the Earth. With our popular Panel classic series, you get our most powerful PERC cells in a glass-foil assembly at an affordable price together with comprehensive guarantees.
Saving the Earth doesn’t have to cost the Earth. With our popular Panel classic series, you get our most powerful PERC cells in a glass-foil assembly at an affordable price together with comprehensive guarantees.

Impressive performance. Impressive price. 

The high-performance PERC half-cells in the Panel classic supply up to 375 Wp (watt power). And that’s for a pretty good price. Once they’re installed on your roof, these modules will be cutting down your energy costs day in, day out. 

Webformat Photovoltaik 2 (1)

What makes our glass-foil modules different: 

Our glass-foil modules in the real world: 

Solarmodule von Solarwatt
Effiziente Solarmodule von Solarwatt
Preisgünstige Module direkt vom Hersteller

Choose your preferred SOLARWATT Panel classic.

All our solar modules are manufactured to meet some of the highest standards in the industry. Each of our products is designed to give you the maximum possible performance. Find the best fit for your project. 

On the roof

Panel classic Am 2.5

More performance thanks to new TOPCon solar cells.

The TOPCon solar cells have a new, highly efficient cell architecture and offer more power per area. This makes the modules more powerful.


  • [range]Max rated power: up to 430 Wp
  • [warranty]25-year performance warranty
  • [warranty]20-year product warranty
  • [size]35 mm frame
  • Option: black and pure


Ausführung: pure
Mit der Designvariante pure entscheiden Sie sich für ein Solarmodule mit grauem Aluminiumrahmen.
Ausführung: black
Mit dem schwarzen Rahmen und der partiell schwarz bedruckten (Zellzwischenräume) Rückseite erscheinen die Solarmodule vollständig in schwarz.
Ausführung: black
Mit dem schwarzen Rahmen und der partiell schwarz bedruckten (Zellzwischenräume) Rückseite erscheinen die Solarmodule vollständig in schwarz.
Ausführung: pure
Mit der Designvariante pure entscheiden Sie sich für ein Solarmodule mit grauem Aluminiumrahmen.
Glass-Glass Panels

Excellence on every level: Discover our glass-glass modules. 

Extremely robust, extremely durable, extremely profitable – our glass-glass modules meet the highest demands without compromise.
Panel classic AM 2.0

Performance you can afford

The classic pure panels combine familiar Solarwatt high performance and quality with a really good price. With extensive product and performance guarantees, this glass-foil module will reliably supply you with clean energy for many years. Guaranteed.
  • [yield] Max rated power: up to 410 Wp
  • [range] Options: black [Panel-classic-AM-black] pure [Panel-classic-AM-pure]
  • [size] Frame size: 30 and 35 mm
  • [warranty] FullCoverage optional Read more
Option: black
With the black frame and the partially black printed (cell gaps) back, the solar modules appear completely in black.
Option: pure
With the design variant pure you decide for a solar module with a gray aluminum frame.

The best solution for you.

We offer comprehensive advice to ensure your photovoltaic system is exactly right for you.